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Connecting With Your New Rabbit

October 15, 2024

Are you considering adopting a bunny soon? Floppy is definitely an adorable and entertaining little companion. Rabbits have very charming and engaging personalities. These adorable little balls of fur are rather shy, however. This is understandable: bunnies, as prey animals in the wild, must constantly remain vigilant. They are always ready to flee from raptors, wolves, coyotes, wild dogs, and other predators. A local Brooklyn, NY veterinarian provides some guidance on winning Floppy’s heart below.

Start Out On The Right Paw

Establishing trust begins from the very first day. Avoid reaching into Floppy’s cage and trying to pull her out. Just swing open the door and allow her to emerge when she feels ready for it.

Eventually, your furry companion will get curious about her new environment … and you. When she approaches, extend your hand and allow her to sniff it. It won’t hurt to offer a goodie either. (More on that later.)

Bunnyproofing is crucial. This involves either removing or securing any items you wish to keep out of reach of your furry companion. It is essential to seal off any empty spaces beneath and behind furniture and mattresses. Additionally, ensure that items such as baseboards, furniture legs, and any wires or cords are adequately protected. Other dangerous items include anything small or sharp, personal items, plastics, medicine, chemicals … the list goes on. Consult your veterinarian for tailored guidance on bunnyproofing.

Talk To Your Rabbit

Talking to pets is always an excellent way to get them used to you. Use a cheerful and soothing tone of voice. Watch Floppy’s charming ears and observe her reactions closely.

Win Your Bunny’s Affection With Treats

The road to a pet’s heart is (almost) always through snacks. Just choose safe treats. There are many misconceptions here. For example, while carrots are a favorite of the cartoon character Bugs Bunny, they may not be the most suitable choice for your pet.

Bunnies are well-known for their fondness for sweet foods. Although we typically recommend moderation regarding Floppy’s sweet tooth, you might consider offering her small pieces of apple, banana, or strawberry. Stick with safe foods, though. Some options to consider are apples, apricots, asparagus, bananas, bean sprouts, beet greens, bell peppers, blackberries, blueberries, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, carrots, celery, cherries, cranberries, cucumbers, eggplant, grapefruit, grapes, green beans, honeydew, kiwi, mango, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapple, plums, pumpkin, raspberries, squash, strawberries, tomatoes (considered as fruit), turnips, watermelon, and zucchini.

It is equally essential to understand what is not safe. That list comprises almonds, artichokes, avocados, beans, coffee, corn, currants, dates, edamame, figs, garlic, green onions, kelp, leeks, lentils, mushrooms, nuts, olives, onions, peanuts, popcorn, potatoes, quinoa, rhubarb, rice, seeds, beet, sweet potatoes, walnuts, as well as any items containing xylitol, alcohol, or high levels of salt, fat, or sugar. Ask your Brooklyn, NY veterinarian for detailed guidance on this matter.

Get On The Same Level

When you consider it, we essentially appear as towering giants from Floppy’s perspective. Lowering yourself to ground level can make you appear less intimidating.

Avoid Frightening Your Pet

Don’t make loud noises or move quickly. Rabbits tend to be timid creatures, and are easily startled by sudden movements. Your furry friend has a tendency to hold onto grudges, so if you happen to startle her, she will certainly remember it.

Avoid Picking Up Your Bunny Without Reason

Do not pick up Floppy if she is not inclined to be held, unless it is necessary to move her or place her in her carrier. The Abominable Snow Man’s attempts to befriend Bugs Bunny by smooshing him with cuddles proved futile, and the same will hold true for you! Your pet might be the most adorable creature in the world—and she likely is—but if you dominate her, you will only instill fear.

Provide Your Rabbit with Abundant Toys

Rabbits are very playful. They also need to chew, so will require lots of safe and appropriate chew toys. You can get some great ones in stores, but you can also make your own at home.

However, there are a few caveats to consider. Ensure that you utilize only safe materials. Items made of paper, cardboard, wood, and wicker are generally acceptable. Avoid items that have sharp edges, plastic components, or strings, and certainly steer clear of anything composed of potentially toxic materials. Please consult your veterinarian for further details.

Learn Rabbit Body Language

Rabbits communicate through nonverbal cues, yet it requires a keen observer to discern the signs effectively. For example, if your pet is unwell, she might whimper, grunt, grind her teeth, or retreat and withdraw. A cheerful bunny may nudge you with its head, give you a gentle lick, or settle down next to you.

Deliver Exceptional Care

Ultimately, what is most important is ensuring the well-being of your pet. Animals form bonds with those who nurture them, demonstrating affection and compassion in return.

Consult your veterinarian for valuable insights on essential rabbit care. This encompasses aspects such as cage setup, prevalent illnesses, dietary suggestions, and additional care advice. We are always happy to assist!

Let Love Grow

Your furry companion might need some time to acclimate to your presence. Love requires patience, trust, and time. That’s perfectly fine!

Schedule an Appointment At Our Brooklyn, NY Veterinary Clinic

Are you seeking information regarding the care of bunnies? Have you recently adopted a pet rabbit? We encourage you to reach out to us, your Brooklyn, NY animal clinic, whenever you need! We are committed to providing exceptional care.

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