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Laser Therapy For Pets

Laser therapy is one of the treatments we are pleased to provide at H.E.A.L. Veterinary Hospital. While this seems like something out of a science fiction film, lasers have been employed in human and veterinary medicine for decades. It’s helped…

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Sugar Glider Care FAQS

Sugar gliders are becoming increasingly popular. It’s not difficult to see why. These cute small animals are usually rather inexpensive. They’re also really cute, don’t require much space, and are small enough to easily pass weight restrictions imposed by renters…

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Cute Games You Can Play With Dogs

Our canine companions are both energetic and inquisitive. Fido is very intelligent, and he needs excitement and fun to thrive. That means plenty of playtime for your pet, which will help him stay in shape while also entertaining him. Throwing…

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Signs Your Dog Needs Urgent Care

Have you ever had to bring your pup in for an emergency visit? This can be extremely stressful, and even traumatic, both for your canine buddy and for you. Just like any other animal, Fido is vulnerable to illness and…

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