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Dental Care

Dental Care

Dental Care

Just as we should have our teeth cleaned routinely, so should our furry family members, because good dental hygiene is essential for keeping your pet healthy. Dental tartar buildup not only makes for stinky kisses, it can also cause kidney, liver, and heart problems. In addition, dental disease and gingivitis are incredibly painful for your pet.

Unlike you, your pet won’t sit still for dental work, so general anesthesia is required to perform a thorough dental cleaning. Prior to anesthesia, we perform blood work to screen for conditions that would increase anesthetic risk. To keep your pet safe throughout the procedure, we monitor your pet closely, using state-of-the-art equipment that measures blood pressure, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, temperature, and heart function. Each dental cleaning includes full-mouth X-rays, scaling, deep root planing, and polishing. If extractions are necessary, we use nerve blocks and pain medications to keep your pet as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

In an effort to provide complete concierge care, we offer surgical and dental patients pick-up and drop-off service for a small fee.